
Self-Assessments for Professional Development and Training Workshops

Inscape Publishing’s self-scoring discovery tools help individuals explore and address specific interpersonal and workplace challenges. Whether you’re looking to improve time management, increase the effectiveness of teams, or explore employee expectations, these tools can help your organization tackle common training issues.

Personal Listening Profile®

Personal Listening ProfileDiscover the Impact of Different Listening Approaches

Organizations have always known that success depends on people Behavioral research shows that people approach listening with different purposes and motivations. The Personal Listening Profile® helps people discover their most natural approach to listening and gain insight into the listening approaches of others. Participants will discover that their preferred listening approach may not be appropriate to every situation, and learn how to adopt another listening approach for more successful communication.

The Personal Listening Profile identifies five listening approaches:

  • Appreciative
  • Empathic
  • Comprehensive
  • Discerning
  • Evaluative

Listen and Respond With Purpose

Listening is more than hearing. Listening is the ability to receive, interpret, and respond to verbal messages and body language in ways that are appropriate to the purpose. It’s estimated that people screen out or misunderstand the meaning of a message in over 70 percent of communications, making listening the biggest contributing factor to miscommunication.

Organizations know that success depends on people communicating effectively. Successful organizations also know that good communication is not just about speaking well. It’s about the quality of the connection between the senders and the receivers of the message. The Personal Listening Profile helps individuals understand how to listen more effectively and adopt their listening approach to create more successful communication.

Organizations use the Personal Listening Profile to:

  • enhance communication
  • reduce conflict
  • strengthen customer relationships
  • develop leaders
  • improve management effectiveness
  • boost productivity

Team Dimensions Profile

Team Dimensions ProfileHelping People Work More Effectively in Teams

Successful team members don’t do the same thing at the same time. They do the right thing at the right time. And while team members work together toward a common goal, individuals still must play their separate parts in the process. As organizations rely more on teams to innovate, problem solve, produce, and compete at the speed of change, understanding and capitalizing on individual approaches to group processes is the bottom line on creating high-performance teams.

Discover the Right Roles For the Right People

The Team Dimensions Profile is a unique self-directed learning instrument that helps individuals work from their strengths by identifying their most natural team role. Available on paper and online via the EPIC platform, the Team Dimensions Profile helps team members understand the importance of each role and furthers their appreciation of each individual’s contribution. The five roles are Creator, Advancer, Refiner, Executor, and Flexer.

“Z Process” Keeps Teams Moving in the Right Direction

The Team Dimensions Profile maps the flow of assigning roles, completing tasks, and handing off tasks to other team members through the Z Process. In this relay process, tasks are passed from Creators to Advancers, from Advancers to Refiners, and from Refiners to Executors. Flexers keep the process moving by filling gaps in the team.

Capitalize on Individual Strengths for Total Team Performance

The Team Dimensions Profile helps teams in your organization:

  • identify individual approaches to innovative teamwork
  • match individual strengths with team roles
  • reinforce and appreciate the contributions of others
  • reduce team stress and conflict
  • foster trust and build mutual support
  • encourage team innovation and problem solving
  • reduce project-cycle time and increase productivity

The Team Dimensions Profile and its unique Z Process help you meet the team challenge. It’s a proven way to clarify roles, simplify processes, and maximize individual contributions for total team results.

Time Mastery Profile®

Time Mastery ProfileHelp People Maximize Their Time

Setting priorities and managing time are basic to enhancing individual and organizational performance. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, stay ahead of the competition, respond quickly to customer needs, and enjoy life outside of work is increasingly intense in today’s less structured, information-driven workplace. Meeting the daily challenges of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a learning strategy that focuses on individual needs. The Time Mastery Profile® helps people assess their time-management effectiveness and create a personal plan for improving their skills in key areas.

Create More Time in the Day

If you could reduce your staff’s wasted time by just five minutes every hour, productivity would jump 8.3 percent. Efficiency levels would also rise as employees devoted more time to completing critical tasks. The advantages of effective time management include the following:

  • accomplishing more each day
  • meeting project deadlines
  • serving more customers without added staff, equipment, or office space
  • spending more time pursuing opportunities and less time doing paperwork and attending meetings

Tap Into A Powerful Tool for Self-Assessment

The Time Mastery Profile is a unique tool that provides people with a complete self-directed assessment of their current time-management effectiveness. The instrument describes employees’ time-related behavior in 12 categories:

  • Attitudes
  • Goals
  • Priorities
  • Analyzing
  • Planning
  • Scheduling
  • Interruptions
  • Meetings
  • Written communications
  • Delegation
  • Procrastination
  • Team time

Transform Self-Awareness Into Results

The Time Mastery Profile includes practical tips to help employees improve their time-management skills in 12 key categories. Written in contemporary language for all levels of the organization, the Time Mastery Profile is comprehensive and fast.

Work Expectations Profile

Work Expectations ProfileReducing Turnover and Increasing Productivity

Have you ever wondered what makes a good company great? It’s the people. Committed, productive employees are key to organizational success and a healthy bottom line. The challenge, then, is retaining and developing satisfied, committed employees. The solution is the Work Expectations Profile. This engaging, self-directed learning instrument helps your employees understand and manage their work expectations. Research has shown that people who have clearly defined, well-communicated expectations have better attitudes and enjoy greater job satisfaction than people whose expectations go unspoken or unrealized. And companies that employ satisfied, successful people reap the rewards of increased productivity and reduced turnover.

The Work Expectations Profile Individual Report makes it even easier for managers and employees to dialogue about their work expectations. The Gap Analysis provides participants with an at-a-glance look at how important each Work Expectation category is to them and to what degree each is being met. This helps them quickly pinpoint which Work Expectations categories need the most attention.

Explore 10 Key Expectations

In a typical employment situation, certain expectations, such as salary, hours, and job duties are clearly understood by both employer and employee. Other expectations, however, are so intimately linked to an individual’s concept of work that they often go unspoken or unacknowledged. The Work Expectations Profile helps people explore 10 work expectations that affect today’s employment relationships:

  • Structure
  • Diversity
  • Recognition
  • Autonomy
  • Environment
  • Expression
  • Teamwork
  • Stability
  • Balance
  • Career Growth

Focus/Reflect/Act Model Delivers Memorable Learning

The Work Expectations Profile helps people:

  • Focus on their high expectations
  • Reflect on whether their high expectations are met or unmet and whether they are spoken or unspoken
  • Act on what they’ve discovered

Multidimensional Tool Suits Today’s Business Climate

The Work Expectations Profile is designed to help individuals uncover and explore their expectations in a variety of employment situations:

  • Working on a team
  • Transitioning to a new position or experiencing organizational restructuring
  • Creating meaningful performance reviews
  • Making the most of daily routines

Open the Door to Mutual Understanding

Organizations use the Work Expectations Profile to help employees:

  • Explore key work expectations
  • Discover which expectations are most important to them
  • Learn how to communicate their expectations to others
  • Learn how to initiate steps to have their expectations met
  • Learn how to adjust their expectations when necessary

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